Campaña financiada con ayuda de la Unión europea.


Ingredientes para 4 personas

4 medium new season potatoes (e.g. Queens) (approximately 500g) 4 sprigs of rosemary 2 heads of garlic 1 teasp. sea salt flakes Freshly ground pepper 1 tablesp. rapeseed or olive oil
EUPOTATOES27699 5 website 820x480 recipes 22
: 45 MIN
Pre-heat your oven to Gas Mark 5, 190°C (375°F). Place the potatoes in a pan of boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes, drain and cool. Now insert a skewer through the middle of the potato. Using a small knife make small cuts through the potato until you hit the skewer. Place the potatoes into a small roasting dish, sprinkle over the rosemary, break up the garlic and scatter over the potatoes, season with the sea salt and freshly ground pepper and finally drizzle over the oil. Cook for about 30 minutes until crisp and golden. Great served with all meats, salads or simply on their own.

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