Potatoes are natural, unprocessed carbohydrates which provide a good source of energy, which is essential for the maintenance of brain and muscle function. Potatoes are not only fat free, they’re also gluten free. Cooking with potatoes is a great way to provide a gluten-free delicious meal for all to enjoy. Potatoes are also a source of dietary fibre (when the potato skins are kept on), potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6.
Gram for gram potatoes contain far less calories than rice and pasta. A portion of boiled potatoes - that is about 200 grams or 4 pieces the size of a chicken egg - provides about 140 kilocalories. With the same portion of boiled rice or pasta without sauce you quickly reach 260 or almost twice as many kilocalories.
There are many ways in which potatoes can be cooked and enjoyed. Traditional cooking methods involve boiling, baking, roasting, stewing and chipping. More modern convenient cooking methods speed up the cooking process using microwaves, steamers and air fryers. Slow cookers offer another convenient means to cook potatoes at your own pace. They can be quickly prepared in the microwave, crisped up in the oven, steamed or classically boiled.
TIP: Try and keep the amount of time required for boiling to a minimum, to avoid any excess vitamin C loss.
Keeping the skin on potatoes not only speeds up the preparation and cooking of potatoes but also retains the valuable dietary fibre that is contained in it.
Potatoes pair perfectly with all vegetables. Always aim to combine your potatoes with one or more of the daily 5-7 recommended fruit and vegetables, advocated as part of a healthy diet. Opt for a healthy plate filled with a quarter meat, fish, eggs or legumes, a quarter potato and the rest with fruit and vegetables.
Mashed potatoes can be a great way to incorporate in lots of other in season vegetables into your diet. Broccoli mash, carrot mash, herb mash and even beetroot mash… the options are endless!
Sometimes we want something healthy, but we don't have a lot of time. So, what about something really easy, but at a no expense of taste. These 10 surprisingly versatile potato dishes have one thing in common: they are deliciously healthy. The best of both worlds. We carefully selected them, so that you can try them one by one!
So, which would be your champion potato dish to tell your friends and family about?
The more colours on your plate, the more varied the nutrients. And with this delicious potato dish you eat an almost complete rainbow. Convinced? Click on the image for the recipe!
With the focus still on deliciously healthy, we end up with the following 9 top dishes ... In addition to 'healthy', let yourself be seduced by their full flavour or simply by their easy preparation method. In this case, choosing does not equal losing!