Campaña financiada con ayuda de la Unión europea.


Ingredientes para 4 personas

  • 350 g new potatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Pine nuts
  • 1 baguette (optional)
  • 125 g minced meat
  • leftovers (or ½ packet of 100 g, cooked), crumbled into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 sprig of thyme, remove leaves before using
  • 1½ tbsp flat leaf parsley, chopped
  • 1½ tbsp olive oil
  • 20 g dried cranberries
  • 2 tbsp Butter
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Tiempo de preparación: 10 MIN : 25 MIN

Do you have leftovers after a party? Use them for this easy potato bake. The cranberries give the dish extra colour and flavour. 

  1. Heat the oven to 200 °C/Gas 6.
  2. Peel and crush the garlic and bring to the boil with the potatoes in salted water. Drain and dry.
  3. Briefly fry the pine nuts without fat and set aside.
  4. Heat 1 tablespoon of butter in a pan and fry the minced meat. Season with pepper, salt and thyme. Finish off with the parsley.
  5. Arrange the potatoes in a 1 litre ovenproof dish and make smaller pieces with a fork.
  6. In an oven dish, add the pine nut and 1 tbsp of butters, season with salt and pepper. Add the potatoes. Mix well and then crush gently with the back of a fork.
  7. Add the minced meat to the oven dish and
  8. Sprinkle with cranberries
  9. Bake for 25 minutes until golden brown.
  10. Serve immediately with baguette (if using) and parsley.

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