Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union


Sometimes we crave for something healthy, but we lack time. We could go for something easy, but at the expense of the taste? These 10 surprisingly versatile potato dishes have one thing in common: they are quick, delicious, and healthy. The best of both worlds. We carefully selected them so that you can try them one by one! For you, which potato dish deserves the top spot on the podium?

Veggie bowl with potatoes - the chosen one!

This sizeable bowl became number 1 for a reason... The more colours on your plate, the more variety in nutrients. And with this delicious potato dish, it’s like you’re almost eating an entire rainbow. Convinced? Click on the image for the recipe!

Our 9 unmissable runners-up recipes

With the focus still on quick, delicious, and healthy recipes, we ended up with the following top 9 potato dishes... Besides being 'healthy', you’ll be easily convinced by their rich flavours or their easy preparation. In this case, choosing does not equal losing!

Lekker van bij ons Bord Bia European Potato Trade Association